Most Underrated Casino Games to Try in 2021

Casino Games

Have you ever wandered through the pages of a huge betting site like 888 Casino, unsure what to play? Sure, there are always plenty of the options for the most popular games like slots, blackjack and roulette. It’s hard to find anything more exciting. But did you know that the most prominent games at any casino, online or not, are usually the ones that make the most money for the casino? 

Of course, product placement matters, even for casinos. But that doesn’t mean you won’t also find games with better odds, if you spend enough time looking. You’re probably also wondering if there are better options that provide better odds of winning. Who isn’t?

Now you don’t need to look around any longer, we’ve put together the following list of the most underrated casino games ever. 

Niche Casino Games

Niche games offer players a chance to collect in ways that slots and blackjack can’t. Moreover, certain variations of the games you’re already playing might be better than others. The great things is that online, you will find all of them and more online. Since floorspace is not an issue at all. Although casinos don’t exactly go out of their way to promote these hidden gems.

Blackjack Surrender

Blackjack is the game that most card experts will choose over any other. It’s an intriguing game that you can player for low to high risk. And blackjack surrender is an excellent choice. The surrender option allows you to give up your hand if you feel the dealer has beaten you. You will lose your half your wager instead of the full amount. 

Having the chance to surrender bad hands means more money to wager more the chance at better hands. Of course, you must also make sure you’re using the basic blackjack strategy to ensure you’re making the right decision every hand.

Video Poker Casino Games

Video poker might have the reputation in some circles for being outdated or not requiring any skills. However, the game still has plenty of different advantages for players. Firstly, it gives you some of the best payout rates of most other casino games. Secondly, thanks to the huge jackpots, you can win a lot of money if you get lucky. The keyword here is luck. 

Classic poker is a game of skill that you must spend a considerable amount of time mastering. However, with video poker, you barely need to know the rules before playing. Since it’s based most on luck.

 Lastly, there are tons of different themes and variants that can make video poker tons of fun to play. 

Baccarat Casino Games

In most Asian casinos, baccarat isn’t underrated at all. In fact, it happens to be the most popular game in Macau and Thailand. Attracting far more players than even slots. Moreover, around the world it’s the first choice of more high rollers than any other game. And for very good reasons.

Baccarat is easy to learn, lots of fun and more importantly, has some of the best odds of winning that you’ll find in a casino.